YSL新品哑光唇釉试色 | YSL ALL HOURS底妆实测 | 省小钱赚大钱topcashback | YSL TATOUAGE COUTURE Matte Lip Stain

2017-11-20 3

SUBSCRIBE ♡ ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for watching my YSL matte lip stain review and .
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video! These are my honest thoughts on the YSL lip stains I was really wanting to be obsessed with them since Ive .
Hey Im Alice 太興奮啦!!! 首次跳戰18支唇膏的試色第一次感受到什麼叫做嘴唇試色到麻麻 但還是要說,這次YSL唇露真的太厲害了 PS若畫面.

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